Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Solidarity Statement from Philadelphia Jews For a Just Peace

We were honored and grateful to receive an eloquent message of solidarity from Philadelphia Jews for a Just Peace. It takes so much courage for American Jews to speak out against Israel, and we can't thank them enough. Their statement reads as follows:

Statement of Solidarity with the "AIPAC 10"

On January 29th, 2009 the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) held a $1,500 a plate dinner in Marriott Marquis hotel in Times Square, New York City. This extravagant celebration was held in the wake of a massive bombing campaign in Gaza that left over 1,300 people dead and 5,000 people injured, and a year-long blockade that has left the majority of Gazans without access to medicine, food, or clean water.

AIPAC not only applauded these atrocities, but actively sought to garner support from the United States Government, using its powerful lobbying team to help procure billions of dollars in US tax aid to Israel and using its power in Washington to help pass U.S. Senate Resolution 10 / HR. Resolution 34, which declared near unequivocal support for Israel's actions at the height of the bombing. AIPAC prides itself on its disproportionate influence in Washington, referring to itself as the most important organization affecting the U.S. relationship with Israel.

But during AIPAC's celebratory dinner, ten courageous young people stood up to this behemoth of a special interest lobby, chaining themselves to the entrances of the Marriot Marquis and preventing anyone from entering or leaving the hotel for nearly two hours.

As Jews of conscience, we cannot stand idly by while AIPAC claims a monopoly on the voice of the Jewish People. We will not be silent as the Israeli government cynically exploits our faith as an excuse for continuing a brutal military occupation, economic strangulation, and literal starvation of an entire people; and does so with American tax dollars thanks largely to the efforts of AIPAC. We will not allow the actions of a few to erase our long and proud history of seeking justice and resisting oppression. We are proud to stand in solidarity with the "AIPAC 10". It is our fervent wish that these ten activists have sparked the imaginations and inspired the confidence of thousands like them, who will continue to take creative action against the forces of occupation, imperialism, and brutality.

- Philadelphia Jews for a Just Peace

While it unfortunately isn't true that we prevented anyone from leaving or entering the building (we just prevented them from using the revolving doors, and hopefully reminded each of them that they had to check their conscience at the doors they did use) -- we might have been able to with more than ten people! There will be other opportunities to take AIPAC to task in the future, and our hope is that next time there will be more of us!


  1. you guys should REALLY change that picture at the top...I can see a girls crack and its straight nasty

  2. Well I don't really like the whole world seeing my butt crack either, but you don't have to be so rude about it.
